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Jun 22

Lobbying regulation in Italy: a new law?


Italy is moving toward a new law for the lobbying regulation, which may include the institution of a mandatory registration process for the Public Affairs professionals. Please, find below a list of related articles published by several Italian websites and newspaper: Verso una nuova regolamentazione dell’attività di lobbying in Italia (Sole 24 Ore, May 28, 2013)… View Article

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Jun 22

Cameron uses lobbying scandal to go to war with the unions


Daily mail, June 2, 2013 The coalition is to go to war with the trade unions, using reforms in the wake of the lobbying scandal to open up the membership of Labour’s biggest financial backers. Downing Street revealed legislation will be rushed out before the summer recess, creating a new statutory register of lobbyists after… View Article

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Jun 22

Lobbies will have to register to work in Congress


El Paìs, June 3, 2013 In the upcoming months, the Spanish government hopes to put in place a long-awaited registry of lobby groups whose representatives work to try to convince lawmakers to push through certain legislation. If approved, it will be the first time that lobbies will have to register and log their activities –… View Article

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Jun 22

Principles for Public Affairs professionals


Preamble Democracy needs the professional representation of interests. The external view and expertise enhances the political decision-making process. The role of Public Affairs professionals to build up links between civil society, economics and politics is not only legitimized as a fundamental principle of pluralist democracy. It fulfils an undeniable, important function within the political, social… View Article

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Jun 22

Press release: 3rd EU Conference of Public Affairs Professionals, Paris, 23-24 May


The third conference of PACE, the Public affairs community of Europe that gathers the national lobbying associations and Public Affairs professionals of the EU Countries, was held in Paris on May 23th- 24th, hosted by AFCL, the French Association of lobbying consulting. During two days of discussions, the participants shared the experiences of lobbying activities… View Article

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May 03

3rd EU Conference of P.A. Professionals

Latest Events

 P.A.C.E. –  the Public Affairs Community of Europe – is glad  to announce its 3rd International Meeting, that will take place in Paris, on May  23rd – 24th, 2013,  with the ” 3rd Eu Conference of PA Professionals”. Click here to downloa the Save the date Click here to download the agenda - English Version or French Version… View Article

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Nov 28

Special Issue of the Journal of Public Affairs – The State of Public Affairs in Central & Eastern Europe


Today we publish the link to the “Special Issue of the Journal of Pubblic Affairs – The State of Public Affairs in Central & Eastern Europe” paper, edited by Professor Carla C.J.M Millar and Dr. Peter Koeppl. Please click on the link below to read contents. CfP JPA Special Issue on CEE Call for Papers

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Oct 09

Lobbyists, Governments and Public Trust, Volume 2


Today we publish the link to the second volume of OECD’s study on lobbying that examines regulation and self-regulation of lobbying. Please click on the link below to read contents.

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Oct 09

Krynica XXII Economic Forum final paper


Today we publish the final paper from the Krynica XXII Economic Forum. Please click on the link below to view th PDF. Krynica XXII Economic Forum-final paper ES-lobbying versus transparency and corruption

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Aug 17

Article about PACE by Giuseppe Mazzei


Today we publish an article written by Giuseppe Mazzei about PACE Community and lobbying in Europe. Please read below or download it from here: Download     Lobbying in Italy, unfortunately, is affected by a strong negative perception due to prejudices and  a lack of information that prevent to identify what ‘public affairs’ consist of…. View Article

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